Our Team

Why are we participating in this amazing competition – The Archibull Prize?

One of our school’s key focus areas is Environment. From our grow tunnel, bush tucker, vegetable gardens and orchard, to our Environment Club of K – 6  students which is made up of worm herders, power rangers and recycling monitors. The students and the wider community embrace a “greener” more sustainable lifestyle. Our calf and our junior farming champion would broaden this passion. We are all super excited!

As a small school we work really well as a team. The students love working on whole school projects and do this extremely well. The staff  are conscious of providing extra opportunities for all students.  Our dynamic hard working  passionate staff make this possible. K-3 are studying the Science Unit Paddock to Plate this term, which has shown already how enthusiastic our children are about farming.

We are trying to boost the awareness of Indigenous Australia in our school and local community, we aim to incorporate meaningful and accurate  indigenous aspects into our Archibull Prize entry.


Who will be involved, who will benefit?

All 7 classes, their teachers, teachers aide and Principal are really looking forward to being a part of this adventure. The children will benefit as will their learning,  we envisage that the Archibull Prize will be incorporated through all  KLAs.



8 Responses to Our Team

  1. Kelly Deakin says:

    Fantastic blog page! I am so excited that our school will be part of this amazing project and I can’t wait to see our beautiful calf! My fingers are crossed.

  2. Julie Blackburn says:

    Great blog. Would love to hear more of our cow’s daily adventures.

    • Hi Julie
      The Editorial Team will be analysing our Food Waste Survey results in week 1 next term, this is just one aspect of the competition, food sustainability and educating the community.
      In week 2 Bessie our Young Farming champion will be spending 2 days with the students and we will be looking at researching the wool industry in greater depth before planning our artwork for the calf. Stay tuned ….

  3. Gillian Donn says:

    The Food Waste Survey was great. I was very interested to see that two thirds of people don’t buy packaged foods. This is great for reducing waste but also implies healthy eating choices (“paddock to plate” as opposed to “paddock to laboratory to plate”. My favourite part however, was that because meat was the least wasted food item it meant animals weren’t dying for no reason. I hadn’t thought about it like that before. Great work Archibull Team! I look forward to hearing more.

    • Thank you Gillian. The girls worked extremely well as a team today to correlate the data and use Microsoft Excel to create the graphs independently. Next week they will have time working with our Young Farming Champion Bessie who will be truly inspiring. It is going to be a very busy term but most importantly it is going to be fun and exciting for the children. Our entry including this blog, a digital media presentation and our calf artwork is due to be completed by the last day of this term! We will be uploading some photos within the coming weeks so keep following our journey.

  4. renae pace says:

    amazing cant wait to participate in this

  5. Courtney Jones says:

    What a great job Team Archibull are doing..it’s been a very busy term so far with lots of exciting things happening. I’m busting to take a sneaky peek at our funky calf but I shall restrain myself and await the grand unveiling!

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